AFCCQ goes global

Initial findings from the AFCCQ have demonstrated a validated quantitative tool to assess age-friendliness in The Netherlands, Romania, and Poland. Based on these initial findings, the City&Co project has received interest from experts who are located across different universities and countries wishing to conduct their own validation process following the City&Co project procedures.

Responding to the international interests, the AFCCQ is being translated, validated, and implemented in several countries in- and outside of Europe, following the procedures as we do in the City&Co project. Currently, the AFCCQ is undertaking these different phases in Turkey, North Macedonia, United Kingdom, Italy, Portugal, Israel, Russia, and Australia. Additionally, there are other countries who have expressed an interest and are in the process of joining and will follow the same process as the other countries and the City&Co project. The pathways to impact stemming from the City&Co project is on a global scale because of the interest and current activities being undertaken by expert scholars in the validation process of the AFCCQ tool.

At the end of 2023 best practices of the AFCCQ surveys, constituting in the translation of the tool into different languages and validated into different cultural contexts across the different countries, will be shared via the Extranet of the World Health Organisation (The Hague – Age-Friendly World (
Below, we present a link to an information sheet for older people living in the UK who are interested in participating in the AFCCQ. Being part of the recruitment strategy in the UK, this shows an example of how countries recruit participants for the validation of the AFCCQ in their country.


Project Title: Age-friendly Cites and Communites, and Sustainability across GB and Ireland

What is the purpose of the research?
The purpose of this research study is to validate a survey which could be used in the future by
organisations, local councils, devolved governments, and researchers who are interested in
sustainability, age-friendly cities and communities and wish to improve the community/area/region
for residents.

Your participation in this study will be conducted via the completion of an online survey.
This research project has been reviewed by, and received a favourable opinion, from The Open
University Human Research Ethics Committee – HREC reference number: HREC/4752/Marston.

Access to the English online Survey
You can access the English version of the online survey here.

* NEW *
Access to the Welsh online Survey

You can access the Welsh version of the online survey here.


Reimbursement and benefits
There is no financial reimbursement associated to completing this survey.
This work will be accessible via the World Health Organization’s Age-friendly World

Contact details:
Hannah R. Marston – Project lead for UK and Ireland, Research Fellow at the Open University.






Please find the full information sheet in the .pdf file linked here.