
Project outputs

Scientific publications

Dikken J, Kazak JK, Ivan L, Ayalon L, Pavlovski D, Perek-Białas JM, van Hoof J, Perspectives of older people on environmental sustainability: A cross-cultural validation study between five countries, Journal of Cleaner Production (2024), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2024.141317 [Accepted Date: 15 February 2024]

Ivan, L., Dikken, J., & van Hoof, J. (2024). Unveiling the experienced age-friendliness of older people in Bucharest: A comprehensive study using the validated Romanian age-friendly cities and communities questionnaire and cluster analysis. Habitat International, 143, 102973.

van Hoof, J., van Staalduinen, W.H., Dikken, J. (2024) A multi-year quantitative study of the experienced age-friendliness in The Hague: A tale of four personas. Social Science & Medicine 340:116362. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2023.116362

Tudorie, G. (2023). Reluctant Republic: A Positive Right for Older People to Refuse AI-Based Technology. Societies, 13(12), 248.

Ivan & Loos. The marketing of technology products for older people. In Edited A. Rosales, M. Fernández-Ardèvol, & J. Svensson (Eds.), Digital Ageism: How it Operates and Approaches to Tackling it (pp. 88-115). Routledge. 2023. doi: 10.4324/9781003323686-6

Hoof J van. Older people going green out of financial necessity: Environmental sustainability and age-friendly cities. Indoor and Built Environment. 2023;0(0). doi:10.1177/1420326X231156672

Dikken, J., Kazak, J.K., Soebarto, V.I., van Hoof, J. Views of older people on environmental sustainability: development of the SustainABLE-16 Questionnaire. Building and Environment 242:110514. doi: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2023.110514

Completed Deliverables and Milestones

D1.1manual for data collection and statistics13/2022
D1.2top-up questions of sustainability ready14/2022
D1.3AFCCQ Survey-PL12/2023
D1.4AFCCQ Survey-RO12/2023
D1.5individual quantitative reports on the age-friendliness of the four cities based on the AFCCQ results19/2023
D1.6joint report of the age-friendliness of the four cities19/2023
D2.1short report on operationalisation of quantifiable spatial indicators framework (Davern criteria)29/2022
D2.2short report on socio-environmental vulnerability data and map-overlay approach (Szewranski criteria) and collection of raw data29/2022
D2.3manual for co-creation of portal (English and national languages)29/2022
D2.4manual for users (to be used in WP3) (English and national languages)24/2023
D2.5operational geoportal29/2023
M9qualitative data collection for cross-cultural validation are complete in Kraków and Bucharest19/2022
M10statistics for cross-cultural validation are complete in Krakaw and Bucharest111/2022
M11AFCCQ Survey available in Polish and Romanian languages112/2022
M12participants recruited in WP1 in four cities according to sample size calculation, and participation secured (for survey)112/2022
M13quantitative data collection and statistics for AFCCQ survey completed for four cities19/2023
M14participants recruited in four cities (co-creation) for design of geoportal22/2023
M15co-creation sessions of geoportal are completed 26/2023
M16base maps for age-friendly maps for each of the four cities are available22/2023
M17geoportal operational29/2023
M18participants recruited in four cities (co-creation) for geoportal testing31/2024
M19geoportal operational in mobile devices of participants31/2024

D5.1media anouncement and press release on city&co53/2022
D5.2scientific journal papers (open access) from WP1 to 452/2025
D7.1approval of Ethics Committee for WP176/2022
D7.2approval of Ethics Committee for WP2 and 3710/2022
D7.3approval of Ethics Committee for WP472/2023
D7.4privacy impact assessment77/2022
D7.6data management plan (to be updates every 6 months)74/2022
D8.1a Consortium Agreement text83/2022
D8.2mid-term updates PL, RO and NL (see rules/deadlines of the specific financial organisation in each country)812/2023
D8.3country specific annual financial and academic reports are prepared: PL and RO (NL-reporting planned for 9/2023; see rules/deadlines of specific financial organisation in each country)812/2023
M1consortium agreement signed by consortium members83/2022
M2kick-off meeting completed53/2022
M3PhD candidate Poland recruited84/2022
M4ethical approvals obtained76-10/2022, 2/2023
M5supervisory board (annual meetings occurred)88/2022
M6country specific financial and academic reports: PL, RO and NL (see rules/deadlines of the specific financial organisation in each country)*812/2023
M25MLV 1 completed (in The Hague)612/2023
M26MLV 2 completed (Wroclaw)69/2023
M29privacy impact assessment ready77/2022
M30data management plan operational74/2022
1) 2023. National Reports on 2023 were submitted and approved by the National funding agencies in
Poland, Romania and The Netherlands (M6)
2) 2023. The JPI ENUTC Annual reporting of the first 18 months of the City&Co project was delivered

Other project outputs

• 16 January 2024. Two training sessions took place in Bucharest with 12 and 13 participants who will take part in the photo production study of WP3. The aim was to explain the study, to support in adding the link to the mobile app of the geoportal on the mobile phones of the participants, and to practice with using the mobile app. In total at least 25 older people from each city will take part in this part of the project.

• December 2023 - the WP2 Scientific Report (Romania) has been submitted and approved [.pdf]

• November 2023 - January 2024. Three training sessions and several individual meetings took place in The Hague with in total 12 participants who will take part in the photo production study of WP3. The aim was to explain the study, to support in adding the link to the mobile app of the geoportal on the mobile phones of the participants, and to practice with using the mobile app. In total at least 25 older people from The Hague will be enrolled this month in this part of the project.

• 28 November. Two training sessions took place in Wroclaw with 9 and 11 participants. The aim was to explain the study, to support in adding the link to the mobile KOBO Toolbox application of the geoportal on the mobile phones of the participants, and to practice with using the mobile app. In total 30 older citizens were invited who will use the mobile KOBO Toolbox application.

• 20 and 30 November 2023. Two training sessions took place in Krakow with 7 and 8 participants who will take part in the photo production study of WP3. The aim was to explain the study, to support in adding the link to the mobile KOBO Toolbox application of the geoportal on the mobile phones of the participants, and to practice with using the mobile app. In total 30 older citizens were invited who will use the mobile KOBO Toolbox application.

• November 2023 - May 2024. Continuous two-weekly monitoring reports are delivered by UPWr about the data collected in the four cities in WP3 during the period November 2023 and May 2024

• November 2023. The translated report on the perceived age-friendliness of the Age-friendly City of The Hague (WP1) by older adults in 2022 has been published on the Extranet website of the World Health Organization [link]

• October 2023. WP1 report for Netherlands has been submitted and approved by the municipality. [.pdf]

• December 2022. WP1 report for Romania has been submitted to UEFISCDI [.pdf]

• November 2022 – March 2023, 12 co-creation sessions were organized with about 30 older citizens from the four cities to design of the geoportal based on user’s needs and wishes (WP2). In each city three consecutive sessions were hold with participants aged 65+ years and living in various neighbourhoods. In the first session participants shared their perceptions and needs concerning facilities in the city and co-created a prototype of the geoportal. In the second session they discussed the first concept of the geoportal app developed at UPWr (colours, letter type, format etc), and in the third session participants tried and discussed the app on a smartphone and discussed issues related to the use of the app.

• April 2022, Milena Maj started as a PhD-candidate on the City & Co project, being part of team of Jagiellonian University (UJ) in Kraków, Poland. Welcome Milena!

• 18 March 2022, Kick off meeting and official start of City&Co, online meeting with the four University partners and AFEdemy. Presentations on general overview of the project by J van hoof, overview of deliverables and milestones by L de Wit and work plans for WP1 by J Kazak and WP2 by J Dikken, followed by discussions and questions

• March 2022, Operationalization of Research drive, the online shared storage environment to securely store (sensitive) research data and project documents

Picture gallery

Official Kick off of City&Co , 18 March 2023
Milena Maj, PhD candidate, UJ
City&Co 1st Annual Consortium Meeting with 26 participants in The Hague and online, 28 November 2022
City&Co 1st Mutual Learning Visit with 20 participants, organized by THUAS in The Hague, 28-29 November 2022
WP2: Three co-creation sessions in Wroclaw, 15 December 2022, 1 February and 10 March
WP2: Three co-creation sessions in Krakow, 15 December 2022, 3 February and 16 March 2023
WP2: Three co-creation sessions in The Hague, 17 January, 31 January and 24 February
WP2: Three co-creation sessions in Bucharest, 25 January, 7 February, 14 March 2023
City&Co 2nd Mutual Learning Visit with 17 participants in Wroclaw, 26-27 June 2023
City&Co 2nd Mutual Learning Visit with 17 participants in Wroclaw, 26-27 June 2023
City&Co 2nd Annual Consortium Meeting with 24 participants in Wroclaw and online, 26 June 2023
UJ at the Life Science Open Space Conference 2023 in Krakow, 30 Nov. 2023
9 Nov. 2023: JPI ENUTC Mid-term event in Delft
Training session WP3 with older people in Bucharest, Jan. 2024
Training session WP3 with older people in Wroclaw, Nov. 2023
Training session WP3 with older people in Krakow, Nov. 2023
Conference Jabłonna, Poland, Sep. 2023
Operationalisation of City&Co Research drive, march 2022
The AFCCQ-NL being validated for PL and RO in WP1
City&Co 1st Annual Consortium Meeting with 26 participants in The Hague and online, 28 November 2022
City&Co 1st Mutual Learning Visit with 20 participants, organized by THUAS in The Hague, 28-29 November 2022
WP2: Three co-creation sessions in Wroclaw, 15 December 2022, 1 February and 10 March
WP2: Three co-creation sessions in Krakow, 15 December 2022, 3 February and 16 March 2023
WP2: Three co-creation sessions in The Hague, 17 January, 31 January and 24 February
WP2: Three co-creation sessions in Bucharest, 25 January, 7 February, 14 March 2023
City&Co 2nd Mutual Learning Visit with 17 participants in Wroclaw, 26-27 June 2023
City&Co 2nd Mutual Learning Visit with 17 participants in Wroclaw, 26-27 June 2023
City&Co 2nd Annual Consortium Meeting with 24 participants in Wroclaw and online, 26 June 2023
UJ at the Life Science Open Space Conference 2023 in Krakow, 30 Nov. 2023
Training session WP3 with older people in Bucharest, Jan. 2024
Training session WP3 with older people in The Hague, Nov. 2023
Training session WP3 with older people in Wroclaw, Nov. 2023
Training session WP3 with older people in Krakow, Nov. 2023